Problem Drinking Vs. Alcoholism – What’s The Difference?
The problem of drunkenness and alcoholism is one of the most socially dangerous.
The number of patients registered with a narcologist exceeds the number of people observed by a psychiatrist. thousands of people suffering from alcohol dependence. The constant increase in drunkenness and alcoholism among women, children and adolescents is alarming.
Drunkenness causes enormous material damage to the state, destroys families, increases social orphanhood, and, ultimately, leads to the degradation of the individual and the nation as a whole.
What is alcoholism?
It is a chronic disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, characterized by a persistent dependence on them.
A dose of alcohol in the body over 4.5 ppm is considered a real threat to life, 0.5 ppm – alcoholic intoxication. Every year tens of thousands of people die from alcohol overdose, more than 32 thousand crimes are committed in alcoholic intoxication, about 80 thousand drunk drivers are detained by the traffic police, over 60% of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.
Alcoholics Are Not Born, They Become Various Factors Contribute To This.
Biological factors
play a role in the formation of alcohol dependence. A biological predisposition (biochemical basis) is inherited, on the basis of which a painful addiction can develop. On the basis of the research, it was concluded that 60% of people dependent on psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.), their closest relatives suffered from addiction.
Social factors
The prevalence of alcohol-related problems is inseparable from the customs and perceptions of society about alcohol, a family environment that can both increase and decrease the risk of addiction. Social instability, unemployment, life upheavals, living in areas with low property qualifications, spiritual and cultural, etc.
Psychological factors of alcohol dependence include a certain type of personality (lack of spirituality, lack of serious interests and goals in life, increased suggestibility.)
Pathological character traits (tendency to mood swings, difficulties in establishing contacts, shyness, low or, on the contrary, overestimated self-esteem, inability to cope with their feelings, etc.)
Asthenic (physical and neuropsychic weakness of the body) and hysterical disorders.
Spiritual factors
A person’s attitude to himself, the world around him, and people are associated with the quality of participation in life. Alcoholism is a disease of the soul with all the ensuing consequences.
The frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages, their relative cheapness and availability – contribute to addiction to alcohol.
Signs of alcoholism.
Craving for alcohol, a desire to consume alcohol in a certain rhythm, and this desire must be satisfied. A healthy person easily refuses to realize this desire if circumstances require such a refusal. An alcoholic patient either cannot refuse to drink under any circumstances and if he cannot realize his pathological attraction, he experiences irritation, anger, or depression.
Healthy people are usually satisfied with taking 100-150 ml of strong alcohol (per evening), and with an overdose of alcohol they experience nausea and vomiting. The body is trying to get rid of the poison. Therefore, this normal reaction to alcohol is called the “protective gag reflex.” Patients with alcoholism are able to consume much higher doses of alcohol without any protective reflexes. A dosage of 400-500 ml of alcohol per evening should already alert both those around and the alcohol consumer himself.
A healthy person experiences a feeling of satiety in the process of drinking alcohol. He drinks a bottle of beer or a glass of dry wine and has no desire to continue drinking.
An alcoholic patient drinks a certain key does. usually, it is 100-150 ml of alcohol he develops an irresistible desire to continue drinking further. Control over the dose is lost, in case of continued drinking, after a few years, any dose of alcohol will cause severe excess or binge. After a period of sobriety, the patient, under the influence of a primary pathological craving for alcohol, drinks a certain dose of alcohol, loses control over consumption, gets heavily drunk, feels bad the next morning (hangover or withdrawal symptoms), gets drunk, but does not control the dose again, gets heavily drunk again.