Used for centuries by indigenous groups throughout America for religious purposes, Salvia Divinorum is a psychoactive herb that produces extremely intense hallucinations when used; thus, it is used by many for recreational purposes. Though it is not a drug that is commonly abused, the underlying problems that can drive people toward substances like salvia are well-known and lead one to drug addiction programs.
Usually, salvia is smoked, but it can also be chewed, vaped, and even turned into a liquid concentrate. Generally speaking, the use of salvia does not result in any form of dependence or addiction. In fact, its use is legal and decriminalized in several states, but it is still illegal in many others.
Abusing salvia can have detrimental effects on an individual’s health. Its use can rapidly and utterly alter a person’s perception, i.e., a change that can be highly damaging to a user unprepared and unaware of its intense effects. Experiences with salvia can also lead to loss of memory and consciousness. Its effects are short-lived; most trips can be measured in minutes. That’s more than enough time for a person to crash through a coffee table or jump through a window to escape disturbing visions.
It is important to remember that salvia administered in a clinical or spiritual environment affects its user differently from a user experimenting with it at a loud party or a user who was expecting the vastly different effects of marijuana. Some of the common symptoms that signify salvia use are psychosis and hallucinations. It is important for an individual to be very careful when using this drug as using it over a long period can have several effects, such as the following:
- A compulsion to escape reality.
- Inability to stop using it or a belief that it makes life worth living
- Participating in dangerous behavior
- Psychological damage
Many factors contribute to the salvia’s effects on an individual, such as:
- The amount of the dose
- User’s experiences and expectations
- User’s mental state
- The environment
Salvia’s effects are strong and come on quickly. Generally, its effects last around half an hour, with users reporting vivid, occasionally disturbing hallucinations. These hallucinations can be visual, tactile, and auditory and often have a spiritual dimension to them.
Casual salvia use might be a signal of deeper mental and addiction issues. Mental illness and substance use disorders, or a combination of both, known as dual diagnosis, are serious problems that have devastating consequences if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to seek help at the right time.
The first step toward recovery begins with an effective detox treatment offered under the expert’s guidance. With a well-planned salvia detox program, the detox treatment at one of the best centers is sure to fasten up the recovery process.
The recovery centers make use of several proven and effective treatment modalities that lead their patients to a healthier life. Treatment providers take a holistic view of their patients and treat the physical symptoms of salvia use and the underlying mental disorders that often fuel the abuse of salvia and other drugs.