First stage
The first stage of alcoholism is characterized primarily by mental dependence the beginning of the formation of physical dependence. A person begins to drink alcohol not “for the company” or “on occasion” but in order to feel the action change his state and when there is no opportunity to drink he often feels discomfort. Signs of the first stage of alcoholism are the emergence of craving for alcohol the formation of resistance to alcohol (tolerance) and a mild form of hangover (withdrawal) syndrome the emergence of the need to get drunk.
At this stage of alcoholism mental dependence is the leading manifestation of alcoholism but already at this time disturbances in the functioning of some systems and organs are possible. Since the physical craving for alcohol at the first stage of alcoholism is not yet fully formed.
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2nd. Stage
In the 2nd stage of alcoholism the painful craving for alcohol increases. This is accompanied by growing mental changes all the interests of a person are concentrated on alcohol egocentrism (extreme egoism) manifests itself a sense of duty dulls a person becomes irresponsible and careless he hardly perceives and expresses emotions. There is a loss of a sense of proportion in relation to the drink. After taking high doses memory loss occurs. Fatigue and unreasonable mood swings are common. Decreased working capacity.
A characteristic feature of the second stage of alcoholism is the final formation of withdrawal symptoms (hangover). In addition in the second stage, alcoholism continues and reaches a maximum resistance to alcohol. Further destruction of the organism occurs. In many patients at this stage doctors observe an enlargement of the liver which later turns into cirrhosis from the gastrointestinal tract – gastritis and pancreatitis.
Also in the 2nd stage of alcoholism long-term treatment will already be required. Most often we can talk not about the complete cure but about long-term remission (a period of abstinence from alcohol). At stage 2 “A” of alcoholism only with persistent treatment following all the recommendations of a psychotherapist provided that the person fully understands his problem and takes responsibility for the treatment it is possible to reverse the disease and become a moderate drinker. A patient with chronic alcoholism at stage 2 “B” naturally if the person himself is interested in treatment and wants to be always in shape he will have to go to the doctors about once every 2 – 3 years in order to carry out appropriate treatment receive moral and psychological support and strengthen faith into their own strength.
3rd. Stage
In the 3rd. stage of alcoholism the signs of physical decrepitude, mental exhaustion and a drop in resistance to alcohol increase. Loss of memory occurs even when taking small doses of alcohol. At the same time both the nature of intoxication and the nature of the craving for alcohol change which from a way of changing the state turns into a means of maintaining life.
It is very problematic to talk about the treatment of the third stage of the disease. First of all because by this time a large number of cells have already died in the body the disintegration of the personality begins the activity of the central nervous system metabolism is very significantly disrupted internal organs are affected. In addition at this stage, a person has difficulty remembering himself in a different state. He forgets the experience of a sober life. But even in such a state, it is impossible to “put an end” on a person. As long as a person is alive he always has a chance for a cure.