Tag Archive for: the big diabetes lie

7 steps to health and the big diabetes lie is a result from a research work of more than 100 years. It has been done by several professional doctors who were willing to expose the truth in front of people. The truth that they can always stop, reverse and even cure diabetes without surgeries and drugs.    

7 steps to health and the big diabetes lie reviews

The book constitutes 540 pages with comprehensive information about this disease. The book has a 30 days plan for diabetes to help your body to get rid of the toxins that it has. These toxins are gathered via eating too many carbs as well as processed food items. The guide has several easy meals that make it simple to be followed. It facilitates in keeping track of a healthier lifestyle.

You will learn about which foods must be a part of your life and which you should avoid. You will also get guidance about the low fat foods, the foods that prevent inflammation and the ones which support your immune system. In short, there is a lot to be learnt from this book about diabetes. Read More: What is The Proper Treatment For Diabetes?

The book contains several other bonus documents. This includes ebooks named as the Dangers of Microwave Radiation, The Miracle of Sleep Ebook, Raw Live Food Recipes Ebook, and The Secretes of Anti-Oxidants. Following the said book, you will find yourself to be radiant, young, and energetic with comprehensive guidance of this book.

In short, the recipes of the book are easy to be followed. They are well illustrated and presented. Anyone can make these recipes even if one does not have a lot of cooking experience. The results of the book are comparatively fast. Most of the people who have followed the book have experienced the results within a couple of weeks. You can have the hard copy shipped to you at your door step or enjoy reading ebook 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie Reviews on your computer.

7 steps to health and the big diabetes lie review

Using natural remedies for diabetes is the best option instead of going for the allopathic treatment. There are dozens of natural remedies for diabetes and one of them is explain in detail below:

Natural remedies for Diabetes

Can you even imagine that you can cure your diabetes using Indian Gooseberries? Yes! Indian Gooseberries, these are also known as Amla (in local language). Vitamin C is considered as the main property of the Amla and its extracted juice helps the pancreas to function properly (an organ present in the body and is responsible for the sugar excretion).


Take 2-3 Indian Gooseberries, remove the seeds form it and grind it into the fine paste, put the paste in the cloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix two table spoons of the extracted juice of the Indian gooseberries with the one cup of the water and drink it daily on an empty stomach. This method has appeared to be effective with many people but it does not mean that it works for 100% diabetes patients.

Somehow, if above mentioned natural remedy for diabetes does not work then here I have another method which could help you in curing the diabetes from gooseberries.

This method is an alternate of the above method, in this method mic one table spoon of Indian gooseberry juice in a cup of bitter gorge and drink it on the daily basis and this doing for few months.

This methods also does not work for the 100% people, in other words, I should say this methods sometimes does not cure the diabetes 100% but it lowers down the glucose level in the human body.

Some people may disagree that Natural Remedies For Diabetes do not work but it is not true in fact, sometimes nature remedies for diabetes heals more than that of the allopath medics.

Diabetes is a chronic disease, patients are usually on anti-diabetic medicines. It may be wise to try some natural medicines for diabetes and proper exercise to control glucose levels. Combination of allopathic and natural remedies could be dangerous, so one should consult his physician before trying any of these medications.

Natural medicines for diabetes are:

7 Steps to Health and The Big Diabetes Lie

  • Gymnema leaves contain saponins and gymnemic acids that naturally have a capability of destroying sugar. Gymnema also increase the insulin secretions by the pancrease. Few leaves of gymnema can reduce power to sense the sweetness of foods and this helps to suppress appetite.


  • Fenugreek has many health benefits.it has 4-hydroxyisoleucine amino acid that has the valuable property of reducing the rate of sugar absorption from stomach during digestion. Fenugreek also stimulates the pancreatic cells to increase insulin production.

Boil one cup of water, add 2 tbs. of fenugreek seeds, strain and consume the liquid. Repeat this process twice a day and you will see a reduction in glucose levels.

  • Bitter melon contains phytonutrient that helps in lowering blood glucose level.

Cut few slices of bitter gourd and eat with stir-fry dishes, this will help mask their bitter taste.

  • Coccinia indica contains insulin mimetic properties.
  • Silymarin contains high concentrations of flavonoids and antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on insulin resistance.
  • Avocado seed extract reduced blood sugar in diabetic rats. Avocado also have a restorative and protective effect on pancreatic islet cells in the diseased rats.
  • Berberine is a phytochemical found in many different plants. It has a lot of uses. Even it can be used as a substitute for insulin. Just like insulin, it activates the same biochemical pathway that signals cells to take up more sugar. Sources of berberine are barberry and Oregon grape.

All these natural medicines for 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie will help patients in reducing their glucose levels. Body Fitness Review

Natural diabetes cure is better and safer than other expensive treatments. Many herbs and spices are claimed to have blood sugar lowering properties. A number of clinical studies have been carried out in recent years that shows a potential link between herbal therapies and diabetes cure. This link has led people to trust these natural ingredients to help reduce their blood glucose level.

natural cures for diabetes

Following are some natural remedies to cure diabetes:

  • Drink juice of bitter gourds daily in the morning for at least 2 months.
  • Drink a cup of water mixed with 1 tsp. cinnamon powder daily. Cinnamon helps lower fasting blood glucose levels.
  • Chromium is used in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Low doses of chromium are safe for diabetic patient because it reduces sugar level rapidly.
  • Green tea is one of the best natural diabetes cure. Green tea contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants. The main antioxidant in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate. EGCG may have numerous health benefits including :
  • Improved glucose control
  • Better insulin activity
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes
  • Ginger can lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It is also considered as one of the best natural diabetes cure. It also helps regulate insulin response in people with diabetes. In one 2014 animal study, obese rats with diabetes were given a mix of cinnamon and ginger. These rats experienced a wealth of benefits, including:
  • Reduced body weight
  • Reduced body fat mass
  • Decreased blood sugar levels
  • Increased insulin levels

Ginger also protects against heart problems that arise because of diabetes.

  • Long term consumption of honey might have positive effects on the metabolic derangements of diabetes.
  • Consumption of one gram of black seed a day for up to 12 weeks had a broad range of beneficial effects in 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie.

A large number of people throughout the world are suffering with diabetes. Here are some research based solutions that cure diabetes naturally.

cure diabetes naturally

  • Diabetes is triggered by low insulin production in the blood. To get insulin problems under control one must limit consumption of sugars, grains and processed carbohydrates.
  • One of the contributing factor in diabetes in omega-6 fats. A diabetic patient must pay attention to their omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Avoid omega-6 seed oils and their sources. Add omega-3 fats in your diet to a safe ratio. Fatty fish like salmon and sardines contain omega-3.
  • Exercise is one of the best way to Cure Diabetes Naturally, as it fix insulin resistance in diabetic patient. As exercise increases the muscle’s ability to use insulin.
  • Obesity and diabetes go hand in hand. Hence, losing weight can help mitigate diabetes. Diet improvement can help you lose weight and are beneficial for diabetes reversal.
  • Stress raises cortisol and can lead to hormone imbalance and insulin issues. Getting quality sleep every night is great for blood sugar, it also reduces stress hormonal levels.
  • Supplements can help your body heal from diabetes, especially while your body works to gain proper insulin reactions again. Such supplements include:

Cinnamon, omega-3 fatty acids, alpha lipoid acid, chromium, coenzyme Q10, garlic and magnesium.

  • Vitamin D deficiency promotes diabetes and other serious diseases. If someone really wants to prevent diabetes he/she must boost their vitamin D levels with either daily sunshine or quality vitamin D3 supplements.
  • Processed food strongly promotes diabetes. Avoid eating refined anything. That includes white breads, processed meat and dairy products. Avoid cow’s milk and cheese from your diet. Never eat processed meat as it contains sodium nitrite, hat destroys pancreas function.

To the extent if you can do all these things you can 7 steps to health diabetes naturally.

Using natural remedies for diabetes is the best option instead of going for the all opathic treatment. There are dozens of natural remedies for diabetes and one of them is explain in detail below:

Can you even imagine that you can cure your diabetes using Indian Gooseberries? Yes! Indian Gooseberries, these are also known as Amla (in local language). Vitamin C is considered as the main property of the Amla and its extracted juice helps the pancreas to function properly (an organ present in the body and is responsible for the sugar excretion).


Take 2-3 Indian Gooseberries, remove the seeds form it and grind it into the fine paste, put the paste in the cloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix two table spoons of the extracted juice of the Indian gooseberries with the one cup of the water and drink it daily on an empty stomach. This method has appeared to be effective with many people but it does not mean that it works for 100% diabetes patients.Natural Remedies For Diabetes

Somehow, if above mentioned natural remedy for diabetes does not work then here I have another method which could help you in curing the diabetes from gooseberries.

This method is an alternate of the above method, in this method mic one table spoon of Indian gooseberry juice in a cup of bitter gorge and drink it on the daily basis and this doing for few months.

This methods also does not work for the 100% people, in other words, I should say this methods sometimes does not cure the diabetes 100% but it lowers down the glucose level in the human body.

Some people may disagree that Natural Remedies For Diabetes do not work but it is not true in fact, sometimes nature remedies for diabetes heals more than that of the allopath medics.

There are two types of the diabetes and one of them is considered as more fatal than other one, i.e. type 1 of diabetes is considered as fatal, while on the other hand type 2 of the diabetes is considered as less dangerous and even it could be cured by just following the simple steps mentioned in the e-books and these e-books are available on the internet.

The big Diabetes Lie Review

Different doctors have written different types of the book/e-books which could help in curing the diabetes but the very best of them is “Big Diabetes Lie” and this is a Big Diabetes Lie Review on the book. This book covers almost all of the expects of the type two diabetes (I repeat type two diabetes) because this book is written to naturally cure the second type of the diabetes specifically and it does not work with the type one.
The author of the book has tried his best to cover the all possible angles to cover the diabetes cures for example by eating proper food (mentioned in the book) or by taking the proper light exercise on the daily basis. This book forces the readers not to consume the soft drinks as they contain artificial sweeteners and these artificial sweeteners can eventually turn into more dangerous elements for the diseased people.

This book is also available on the amazon for sale and many people have bought it and reviewed it but the reaction of the readers was not as satisfactory as it was expected by the author of the book and the main reason behind the negative reviews of the books was irrelevant contents in dozens of pages, the book contained few ways to cure the diabetes in the last few pages which resulted less interest of the readers.

I have written this big diabetes lie review to inform the people about the content of the book and to present a clear image of the book.