How much weight can you lose on a smoothie diet?
The question that how much weight can you lose on a smoothie diet has been asked by my friends an awful lot of times, but to understand the answer to this question you will need to first know the science behind the smoothie diet so here is the review of the 21 day smoothie diet program.
The 21 day smoothie diet program
The smoothie diet was created by professional health coach and nutritionist Drew Sgoutas. The goal is simple, to make weight loss simple without the confusion that comes with complicated diets. The diet claims to lower one’s sugar consumption by having freshly made smoothies everyday instead of regular foods which leads to a sustainable weight loss. But the question is whether these claims are legit? Can you really lose weight by drinking smoothies? Well keep reading, you will get the answer to all these questions.
How does the smoothie diet work?
The smoothie diet speeds up your weight loss journey by lowering the overall sugar consumption.
Once you subscribe to the plan you will receive the shopping list and recipe of everything you need to make those delicious smoothies plus you will get a smoothie calendar that will simplify your meal planning.
How to start the 21 day smoothie diet program
Join the Green Smoothie Jump Start program which is absolutely free of charge and lasts 5 days.
The main challenge now is to complete the 21 day smoothie diet, which will help you shed weight very fast.
Since the plan is repeatable you can do it as many times as you like, join the smoothie diet community to receive motivation and advice and it will also help to keep you up to date with everything that goes inside the community and potential upgrades in the diet.
You can join the program by going through there OFFICIAL WEBSITE.
Things included in the smoothie diet 21-day program
- The full 21 day weight loss program that drew uses with his private clients
- More than 36 delicious fat melting smoothie recipes
- Shopping list every week to make your weight loss journey simplified
- Prep guide and tips to make sure there is zero trial and error and to ensure you spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your new energy levels and confidence
Bonus Material
The 3 Day Smoothie Detox
This 3 day smoothie detox program is easily worth the price of the whole 21 day program.
Before starting the 21 day program you can do the 3 day detox program to get your body ready for the optimal results and clear out the cobwebs. The best thing about the 3 day smoothie detox is that since its just 3 days you will see instant results, you can use these program to reset your health after you go out of track like for instance you go on holidays and you won’t feel like doing any sort of weight loss diet, so after the holidays you can easily do the 3 day smoothie detox. By completing the 3 day smoothie detox you will get a fair idea about how much weight you can lose on the smoothie diet.
Quick start guide
This is the like a summary of the core guide that contains the 3 week schedule, prep guide, smoothie recipes and the shopping list. It is basically the “to do” list that will help you to start enjoying the benefits from the very first instant.
Pros and cons of the smoothie diet
- You will definitely lose weight if you follow the program for 21 days.
- The preparation guidelines are very detailed and easy to understand.
- Wide range of delicious smoothie recipes so that you won’t get bored.
- Access to daily smoothie planner to organize client’s diet.
- The bonus 3 day smoothie detox program.
- The price of the program is affordable
- You are allowed one whole cheat day every week, and who doesn’t like a cheat day!
- The program is not suited for people who have food allergies.
- Preparation can be a bit time consuming but if you follow the guide closely it really doesn’t take that long.
- Only available for sale on the official website.
Frequently asked questions
Coming back to the main topic that how much weight can you lose doing the smoothie diet.
With the 3 day detox program alone you can lose more than 4 pounds in 3 days . And doing the complete 21 day program you can lose more than 3 pounds every week.
How much weight can you lose doing the smoothie diet program repeatedly?
You can expect to lose 40-60 pounds if you repeat this diet plan several times.
Are there any side effects of using the 21 day smoothie diet program?
Since the smoothies are natural, there are no recorded side effects of the diet program.
How is the smoothie diet useful?
This program is not only good for weight loss, but it is also a very good detox plan that will remove the impurities from your body and will make you feel light and energetic.
Will I gain the weight back?
The main advantage you get after doing the program is that the craving for junk food will significantly go down resulting in a healthier life.
Can I do the program again?
You can do the program repeatedly to continue losing weight till you reach your desired weight loss goal.
I have to admit that before doing the program I was a bit skeptical about whether I should do the program or not but as soon as I did the 3 day detox program and lost a few pounds instantly I was motivated to do the 21 day program, I have done the program two times now and iam also looking forward to continue, iam not sure how many times will I be able to take it but for now I have had very good results and enjoyed my time doing the 21 day smoothie program.
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